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  • Event Dynamics Team

How to travel internationally in the time of Covid-19

As the world struggles to contain the virus, and vaccine rollouts continue unabated, rules and regulations change daily from continent to continent and country to country – contact us for specific updates at any time.

Expect to have to produce an authorized COVID-19 negative PCR test usually taken 72 hours before embarking on your flight and prepare for rapid testing on arrival at some destinations. Until the vaccine programs are fully functional, some countries will require another test before re-entry to your originating country and quarantines may apply

Wear a multi layered mask throughout your flights (taking the mask off for short periods to eat or drink)

Plan your trip carefully, taking all considerations into account – we can help you with that!


Should you travel?

If you are wondering whether or not to take a trip, consider these key questions from the Mayo Clinic:

  • Is COVID-19 spreading at your destination? The more cases at your destination, the more likely you are to get infected during travel.

  • Are you at increased risk for severe illness? Anyone can get COVID-19, but older adults and people of any age with certain medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

  • Do you live with someone who's at increased risk for severe illness? If you get infected while traveling, you can spread the virus to the people you live with when you return, even if you don't have symptoms.

If you find yourself needing to fly, here are a few considerations:

Flying is safer than you may think

According to health authorities, including the CDC, the risk of infection on airplanes is low. Virtually all commercial jetliners are equipped with High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters, similar to those used in hospital operating room, capable of blocking 99.7% of airborne microbes. Cabin air is circulated vertically, from ceiling to floor, and refreshed every two to three minutes. Between flights, airplane cabins are scrubbed down with anti-microbial disinfectants.

Wear a mask.

Airlines, airports and public transportation systems are now requiring passengers to wear a mask or face covering. The rule applies to vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers.

Look, don't touch.

Limit contact with frequently touched surfaces, such as handrails, elevator buttons, counters and kiosks. If you must touch these surfaces, use hand sanitizer or wash your hands afterward. Clean your hands often. It's especially important after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.


Once on board, keep your mask up and on, lowering it only to drink or eat on long flights.

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